Children Educational Program for the Philippines
It all started when…
I am Pastor Arlex S. Abugho the national director of Rolcc Philippines in Cagayan De Oro city.
Nowadays when coronavirus crippled the economy of our nation the very affected ones are the children and less fortunate people or the poorest of the poor. They need help very badly. They need some help like from an organization that specializes in helping the needy like RIVER OF LIFE FOUNDATION
This program really helps our children, giving them hope in the midst of their hopeless situation. And also the out of school youth and for everyone that needs help coz this is for every human that needs some attention.
For children we provides free basic computer literacy, English- reading, writing, listening, vocabulary and conversational
For out of school youth and for anyone that wanted to have a certificate that can be used in working locally and internationally. We provide Government Certificate programs like Electrical NC2 and Welding NC1.
Other skill trainings such as: Craft making, Soap and fabric conditional making. Other trainings such as: Chinese language and musical instruments tutorial
We Started this program on February 8,2021 In just a month this program really shapes the lives of the children we are able to minister to them tru bible studies before their classes we are having devotional and for the parents before they can receive their allocated rice they will gather at the learning hub and we had the opportunity to share to them the Gospel
The children were very happy the reason is they did not expect that there would be somebody that will give time to teach them in spite of the pandemic crisis give them opportunity to know God and the parents testified that tru this program they have seen changes in the lives of their children now the children were praying before meal and before going to bed....
Our goal is to guide the children in this time of pandemic and beyond we will help them to know the purpose of their existence and develop their God-given talent and skills for the creator’s glory and to sustain their lives in the future. Almost everyday you can hear the news about suicide and most of the victims are the children and youth. This program will equip them with the knowledge and capability in facing their future and most of all we will be having Godly leaders in the future, coz the leaders that we have now is the result of the adults in the time that they were only child but failed to bring them in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My vision is to help the children and be in this program for at least 1 year but i will see to it that after this program they already have the assurance of being saved and after that they will be introduced to a cell group that would cater their Spiritual needs as a youth and also to their parents too we will do everything that they will grow Spiritually coz that would the main purpose of this program to save their soul.....
For more info and activities of the ROLF Learning Hub in Philippines, please see the videos and photos below: